OpenLib.cs is a collaborative project to make textbooks, references, solution manuals and other resources freely available for students who are currently pursuing the following courses (or their equivalents) at university. As an open project, any member of the community can contribute his/her share to build an index of computer science references across the web.
Course Navigation
1st Year Courses
2nd Year Courses
3rd Year Courses
A directory is maintained for each course within which is a README that provides information regarding the course. The README may have the following sections if applicable :
Prerequisites - Courses that need to be completed prior to attempting the particular course
Textbooks - List of textbooks with links to their soft copies
Code - Implementation of course concepts
Videos - List of links of video explanations of course concepts
Websites - Useful websites
Articles - Cheat-sheets, tutorials, blog-posts etc.
Communities - Online forums related to the course concepts
Apps - Mobile apps that may enrich the learning experience
There are also scripts that provide certain useful features (WIP)
This repository provides links to the required study material such as textbooks, solution manuals and reference books.
Copies of the study material can be borrowed from the library while appearing for open-book exams. Moreover, printouts of the same can also be taken into the exam hall if required. Written notes are also allowed.
General Reference
Donald Knuth
3rd (1997)
Donald Knuth
3rd (1997)
Donald Knuth
3rd (1997)
Donald Knuth
1st (2011)
C.A.R Hoare & CB Jones
Jon Bentley
2nd (2000)
Graham, Knuth & Patashnik
2nd (1994)
Abelson & The Sussmans
2nd (1996)
Hunt & Thomas
2nd (2010)
Edsger W Dijkstra
Alan M Turing
Vint Cerf & Bob Kahn
Tim Berners Lee
Kindly see the guidelines before contributing to this repo.
You can also contribute by sharing!
Share this list with your batchmates, friends or anyone just interested in Computer Science!
By connecting more people with information, you are doing everyone a HUGE favor.
Last updated